

Apsis Capital Management (ACM) is a Registered Investment Advisor, providing investment management services.

ACM manages capital through Separately Managed Accounts (SMA), meaning all investment accounts are held in the clients’ names and clients have full transparency to their investment accounts.

We believe in aligning interests with our clients. The vast majority of the founder’s net worth is invested in the Fund, incentivizing us to constantly deliver attractive rates of return and enabling us to grow our net worth alongside our clients’.

Investment Philosophy

We are long term investors.  Our primary focus is long-term preservation of capital, while seeking to generate attractive rates of return over a full market cycle.  We typically invest in equity securities, with a focus in the U.S., seeking opportunities to purchase high-quality businesses at attractive valuations.

Our key investment principles are:

  • Long-Term Focus – Focus on investing in companies that have strong long-term prospects
  • Volatility – Embrace volatility with the understanding that stock prices may deviate significantly from “true value” in the short-term
  • Simplicity – Simplify investment thesis into few key factors, rather than relying on complicated models
  • Concentration – Concentrate capital on “best ideas” vs. diversifying across “all ideas”